Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homework #6 for MGT 3000

Organization Management
HW # 6
Chapters 9 & 10
Matthew Henderson

1. What is the relationship between discrimination and affirmative action?

Discrimination is hiring or promoting based on job irrelevant criteria.

Affirmative action is legislation requiring employers to make an effort for equal employment opportunities.

Affirmative action is government legislation aimed at disrupting discrimination within the workplace and giving equal opportunity.

2. Describe the concept of the changing social contract by differentiating between the new and the old contracts?

The changing social contract refers to the change in employee/employer relationships.

In the old contract employees offered to the employer job security, they were seen as a cog in the machine and they were expected to be knowledgeable in their field.  Employers offered the employees standard training programs, traditional compensation packages, routine jobs and limited information.

In the new contract employees are expected to be employable and have personal responsibility, they are seen as a partner in business improvement and they are expected to learn and develop skills.  Employers offer employees creative development opportunities, lateral career moves and incentive compensation, challenging assignments and information and resources with decision making authority.

The old contract hires employees whereas the new contract acquires talent.

3. What are the five dividends of workplace diversity?

Better use of employee talent – a diverse workforce generally means diversity in talent

Increased understanding of the marketplace – a diverse workforce is better able to anticipate and respond to changing consumer needs.  This also fosters a culture of inclusion.

Enhanced breadth of understanding in leadership positions – Homogeneity leads to myopic perspectives.

Increased quality of team problem solving – differences bring different perspectives and more creative solutions and ideas.

Reduced costs associated with high turnover, absenteeism and lawsuits

4. Define the glass wall and the glass ceiling. Be sure to explain how the two concepts differ?

The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier keeping women from progressing, vertically to upper management positions.

Glass walls are invisible barriers restricting lateral movement within an organization.  Glass walls bar experience.

5. Define perceptual selectivity. Briefly explain the characteristics of the stimuli and the perceiver that affect this process?

Perceptual selectivity is the process by which individuals subconsciously screen and select the various objects and stimuli that vie for their attention.

People generally focus on stimuli that satisfy their needs and are consistent with their attitudes, values and personality.  A person who needs positive feedback may focus on positive feedback and ignore negative feedback.

People tend to notice stimuli that stand out from other stimuli; a loud noise in a quiet room.  People tend to pay attention to sensory data that occur toward the beginning of an event or toward the end.  Primacy refers to first impressions counting.  Recency refers to lasting last impressions.

6. Describe three common perceptual distortion errors that managers routinely make. Give an example of each?

Stereotyping is the tendency to assign an individual to a group or broad category and then attribute widely held generalizations about the group to the individual.  (ie: all men are chauvinistic so Matt must be chauvanistic).

The Halo Effect is when the perceiver develops an overall impression of a person or situation based on one characteristic.  (ie: Ted Bundy gave me a flattering compliment so he must a nice, thoughtful man).

Projection is the tendency of perceivers to see their own personal traits in other people; they project their own needs, feelings, values and attitudes onto their judgment of others. (ie: I live by Christian values, so I assume everyone else does too)

7. What are the four components of emotional intelligence? Briefly describe each?

Self-awareness is being aware of what you are feeling.  Being in touch with your feelings allows you to better guide your life and actions.

Self-management is the ability to control disruptive or harmful emotions and balance one’s moods so that worry, anxiety, fear, or anger does not cloud thinking and/or action.  Characteristics include optimism and hopefulness despite setbacks and obstacles.

Social awareness is the ability to understand others and practice empathy; being able to perceive a situation from another’s perspective.

Relationship management is the ability to connect with others, build positive relationships, respond to the emotions of others and influence others.  People with relationship management skills know how to listen and communicate clearly and treat others with compassion and respect.

Homework #5 for MGT3000

Organization Management
HW # 5
Matthew Henderson

1.  Compare and contrast authority, responsibility, accountability, and delegation?

Authority is the right to make a decision, issue an order or move resources.

Responsibility is the duty to perform a given task.

Accountability is reporting and/or justifying authoritative or responsible task outcomes.

Delegation is the transfer of authority and responsibility from one individual to others.

2. Explain why delegation is important to organizations. Why is it difficult for some managers to delegate?

Delegation is important because it can make an organization more flexible.  If management delegates authority or responsibility to its lower levels, the organization can adapt to rapidly changing environments.  If the authority or responsibility are held at a higher level, reporting and decision making can take a longer time, which could cost the organization.  Delegating also allows lower-level employees to develop good decision making skills and equips them with experience.

Some managers find it difficult to delegate because they believe they can do a better job than their subordinates, they have an aversion to risk.  Generally, they feel that performance responsibility is theirs and they don’t trust others.  They may also feel that delegating tasks will reduce their personal status in the organization.

3. Briefly explain the concept of line and staff departments and authority?

Line Departments perform tasks which directly reflect the organization’s primary goals or missions.  In a manufacturing organization, this is where the products are manufactured.  They are where the tire meets the pavement, the sales and manufacturing, or purchasing and reselling.  They are the “physical labor” side of a business (if you will) or the Customer Interaction side.

Staff Departments generally support the line department with specialized skills.  They serve as an advisory resource (i.e. Marketing, HR, Research, Accounting).

Line Authority is when a manager has formal authority to direct and control immediate subordinates.

Staff Authority is a person’s right to advise, recommend and counsel within that person’s area of expertise.  Staff authority is when a specialist may advise a manager in a technical field.

4. List five of the factors that are associated with less supervisor involvement and thus larger spans of control?

Span of control refers to how closely a supervisor can monitor subordinates.

1. Subordinates perform similar work tasks
2. Subordinates are concentrated in a single location
3. Subordinates are highly trained and need little direction in performing tasks
4. Rules and procedures defining task activities are available.
5. Little time is required in nonsupervisory activities such as coordination with other departments or planning.

5. What advantages does decentralization have over centralization?

Centralization means that authority is located near the top of an organization.
Decentralization means that authority is pushed downward to the lower levels of the organization.

The main advantage of decentralization is that an organization is more adaptable in uncertain or changing environments.  Instead of delivering reports, waiting for the upper-level decision, and then implementing the decision; the decisions can be made an implemented at a much lower and immediate level.  Response is faster and more direct to the customer.

6. Describe the team approach to departmentalization. List three main disadvantages?

The team approach pushes authority down to lower level teams made up of various employees from various departments.

The team approach has two sub-levels:

Cross-functional teams are teams consisting of various employees with various functions form to resolve mutual problems.  Team members report directly to the team and also to their department.

Permanent Teams are groups of employees which is organized similar to a formal department.  Like the cross-functional teams, these are employees from various departments who work together to complete specific tasks.

Three main disadvantages:
1. Dual loyalties and conflict between team and the individual’s department
2. Time and resources spent on meetings
3. Unplanned decentralization (manager’s may feel left out)

7. Describe how cross-functional and permanent teams differ?

Cross-functional teams are formed to combat mutual problems, whereas permanent teams are permanent and are out to perform a task.  Cross-functional teams may have one or two team leaders and Permanent teams may have revolving team leadership.  Cross-functional teams will probably disperse at one point, where Permanent teams will not.

8.  Describe reengineering and its impact on the organization?

Reengineering is when a business radically redesigns itself in an attempt to improve cost, quality, service and speed.

Generally, this redesign leads an organization away from vertical structure and emphasizes the stronger horizontal coordination.  This flattens the vertical hierarchy leaving only a few support functions in the executive level.