Monday, November 12, 2012

Annual Report Project - Phase I for ACC2010

1) What is the name of the company you have chosen?  Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc.

2) Which industry category does your firm represent?  Wine Industry

3) Write a paragraph describing how, and why, you chose your firm.  Short answer: they had relatively small numbers on their 10-K.   Long answer:  I looked through several companies before deciding on Willamette Valley Vineyards, Inc.  I decided that I would like some insight on an industry with which I am interested.  I then decided to look up publicly traded companies by state, starting with the least populated state, Wyoming.  Eventually, I ended up looking at publicly traded companies in Oregon where I came across Willamette Valley Vineyards.  After reviewing the numbers in their 10-Q and again in their 10-K, I knew I had found the right company for me.

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